I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but maybe I should be.
The internet is a conspiracy theorist’s playground
The internet is a conspiracy theorist’s playground
We all know how it goes. You see something on the news or social media, and you think, “hmm, that’s weird.”
But then you quickly forget about it.
Until, one day, you find yourself in an argument with someone trying to convince you that they’re not crazy for thinking that there’s some conspiracy going on.
What do you do? Do you go on about your day, sharing your thoughts on how anyone who thinks this way is wrong? Or do you try to talk them out of it?
The internet is an active conspiracy theorist’s playground. Whatever you are thinking, the chances are that some post on the web corresponds to your thoughts.
It is easy to become a conspiracy theorist because the internet provides so many resources. If you are looking for conspiracy theories, go ahead and type in “conspiracy theory.” You will have many more conspiracy theories than you ever wanted to read about.
How do Conspiracy Theories start?
It is difficult to know how conspiracy theories start. It all seems to begin when an individual feels like they’ve been excluded or marginalized from society. They then blame others for why they were banned and society in general for why they feel marginalized. When this happens, a conspiracy theory can grow and become more complex over time.
Conspiracy theories are based on incorrect information and concepts that are not supported by genuine evidence or facts. They are, after all, entertaining! I’ll give them that!
I think there are two different types of people who believe in conspiracy theories. One is the person who strongly distrusts the government and everything they claim to represent and thinks that they are hiding truths from us. The second type of person is a person who wants to be the first to know things that other people don’t know.
1) The first type of conspiracy theorist thinks there is a cover-up with the information provided by the government and media companies. They feel as if they have been lied to ever since they were children, and now as adults, this mistrust grows stronger because of “evidence” given by these conspiracies theories.
2) The second type of conspiracy theorist thinks that they know more than everyone else; they want to believe they are “special,” which makes them feel better about themselves. Conspiracy theories make some people feel like they are superior and more intelligent than the general population, and this gives them a feeling of power beyond sexual satisfaction.
What is the Difference Between Conspiracy Theories and Fake News?
It’s not as easy as it might seem to understand the difference between fake news and a conspiracy theory.
Fake News is a form of news created or broadcast to misinform people and convince them that there’s a real story. Fake news distributes disinformation for political, financial, ideological, religious, and other reasons. In general, fake news is characterized as false or exaggerated, but sometimes it can also be misleading or wrong.
A conspiracy theory is an account of a purported event covertly planned by a group of people, typically influential figures who work in the shadows against the public good. These situations frequently include attempts to explain how something happened by using hidden activities by conspirators.
Conspiracy theories are generally accepted ideas about a person, event, or organization. They are often based on real events that were twisted or exaggerated beyond their actual significance. Conspiracy theorists often believe in a cause that they feel they have been denied information about and want to uncover this information to prove their theory.
Instead, I prefer Occam’s razor.
Occam’s razor is a scientific principle stating that the simplest theory should be selected among competing explanations of any given phenomenon.
The simplest explanation usually has the least amount of assumptions, which means it will have the least amount of errors in its reasoning. This is helpful when trying to solve a problem or reach a conclusion because it means you won’t have to spend time narrowing down your options — you will know exactly what needs to be done or what conclusion needs to reach for this problem/issue/situation.
I’m not implying that Occam’s razor should be used all the time. However, in my experience, it’s a valuable method to get things started. I prefer to start with the most basic explanation rather than the most complex one.
If you’re like me, you prefer things to be simple, straightforward, and logical. Conspiracies are not easy or tidy. CTs (I’ll refer to them as CTs from now on) makes everything more complicated than it needs to be, making it near-impossible for most of their ideas to come true. Some may believe CTs are logical. The difficulty is that many of their logic’s assumptions are incorrect. Conspiracists also frequently lack evidence, as they do. Conspiracy theories are just that: hypotheses. They might be amusing at times, but they’re as good as it gets in terms of credibility. CTs fabricate things in their minds and refer to them as “theories.” But there’s no evidence of this… Everything gets placed within the category of speculation.
A good practice: argue the other side.
To be more flexible and express my thoughts, I was advised to dispute the opposing viewpoint. This is why I’m thinking about joining the Conspiracy Theorist community. It’s next to impossible to be impartial in this day and age. We all have our opinions, which are natural biases.
But Conspiracy Theorists are usually not flexible at all. On the contrary. CTs are usually extremely biased, narrow-minded, and refuse to see any other point of view than their own. This is why Conspiracy Theories can offer no real answers or solutions to anything. CTs also habit using words like “truth” and “reality” when talking about something that’s purely made up in their head without having any proof whatsoever…
The majority of conspiracy theorists would disagree with what I just said. CTs cannot even agree on one thing, much less the rest of the world…
This is not to say that conspiracies do not exist. They do! Deep down (or not so deep), I know that conspiracies exist. The only problem is, if they live, we usually won’t know about them until it’s too late.
So, should I be a Conspiracy Theorist? What do you think? Do you have any conspiracy theories that ended up being proven?
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