You Can Stop Wearing a Condom When Having Sex
Or you can stop wearing a face mask in public transportation.
“It is health that is the real wealth, and not pieces of gold and silver.” — Mahatma Gandhi
You can stop wearing a condom when having sex. Would you ever follow that advice? Would it matter if the CDC recommended it, knowing what you know? I hope not!
I hope that by now, everyone who is sexually active knows the potential risks of STDs and wants to protect themselves by using a condom when it’s appropriate.
I don’t think we need a government authority to tell us what to do, do we?
But apparently, we need someone to enforce such protection concerning face masks and Covid-19.
I’m horrified to read about all these people’s reactions last night on flights when pilots announced that the mask mandate was no longer in effect. WTF!
The problem with following rules and not following your ethics is that you will do what you weren’t supposed to do when the potential consequence of punishment isn’t there. You will stop wearing a condom.
That’s what happened last night. People were finally allowed to take their masks off, going crazy!
I get it; we’ve all been through a lot this year. We’re all sick of wearing masks and being careful. But come on, people, this is not the time to let our guard down.
Covid-19 is still out there, and it’s still dangerous. Just because the government says it’s okay to take our masks off doesn’t mean it is.
You may be ok with the risk, but not everyone is. We need to be smart about this and continue to protect ourselves and others by wearing our masks. Otherwise, we’re going to end up right back where we started.
Again using my condom metaphor, would you not wear a condom because the government told you it was no longer needed?
Rules vs. Ethics
Most people don’t understand the difference between following someone’s rules and following your ethics.
When you follow someone’s rules, you are doing what they say because you want to avoid the consequences of not following them.
However, when you follow your ethics, you do what you believe is right, regardless of the consequences.
For example, let’s say that your boss tells you to do something that you know is wrong.
If you follow their rules, you will do it because you don’t want to get in trouble or lose your job.
But if you follow your ethics, you will refuse to do it because it goes against your beliefs.
The same can be said for the mask mandate.
People only wear masks because they don’t want to get in trouble or be fined; they follow the rules, not their ethics.
But, suppose people wear masks because they believe it is the right thing to do. In that case, they are following their ethics.
It’s essential to understand the difference between the two because it can help you make better decisions in life.
I understand not wanting to wear a mask, but I don’t understand not wanting to wear one when that decision puts others in danger.
The same could be said for wearing a seat belt in a car. You may not want to, but it’s the intelligent and responsible thing.
I hope that people will start to think about the difference between rules and ethics and make more ethical decisions in the future.
We all need to do our part to protect each other from Covid-19, and that includes wearing a mask, particularly in places like an airplane.
For me, wearing a mask is more than simply following the government’s instructions.
I started by using one primarily to protect my vulnerable loved ones. Also, to avoid infecting others since I may be sick without knowing. And lastly myself.
We each have to make a personal decision; I will continue to wear a mask under certain circumstances, like when I’m in an airplane or a closed environment full of people.
I understand that it’s not only about me. There are vulnerable people that I know nothing about. The least I can do is wear a mask. What do you think? Are you going to continue to wear a mask in airplanes? Yes or no? Let me know what you think in the comments below!
This article was first published on